Uzbekistan: Two human rights activists are subjected to torture
Two human rights activists were detained for 15 days in the basement of the police station of Pakhtakor District of Jizzakh region. Under torture, they were forced to withdraw from the public action aimed at the protection of constitutional rights.
Saida Kurbanova was born on 31 December 1958, she is the Head of the Pahtakor District Department of Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU), led by Talib Yakubov.
Nuriniso Kholboeva was born on 15 June 1967, she is a human rights activist and a member of the “Birdamlik” movement.
Under the threat of reprisals against them and their families the activists wrote a “pledge” to give up social activities and have agreed to cease their cooperation with the “Birdamlik” movement.
The AHRCA reported the reprisal against activists Saida Kurbanova and Nuriniso Kholboeva to:
— UN Special Rapporteur on Torture,
— UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders,
— EU,
— U.S. Department of State
— and international human rights organisations.
From 1 to 10 December 2012 the human rights activists of the "Birdamlik" movement conducted a campaign dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of Uzbekistan. They spread information among the population about the constitutional rights and freedoms. Human rights activists Saida Kurbanova and Nuriniso Kholboeva of Jizzakh Region participated in the action.
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Pictured: Nuriniso Kholboeva and Saida Kurbanova |
Nuriniso Kholboeva was born on 15 June 1967, she is a human rights activist and a member of the “Birdamlik” movement.
On 5 December 2012 several employees of the Pakhtakor District Police Department broke into human rights defender Saida Kurbanova’s home. In commanding tone and with threats of violence, the authorities demanded the human rights activist Kurbanova to withdraw from the public campaign to mark the 20th anniversary of Uzbekistan's Constitution and banned her to leave the house.
On 6 December 2012, in defiance of the police, Saida Kurbanova and her colleague Nuriniso Kholboeva continued to hand out the text of the Constitution of Uzbekistan in the city of Jizzakh.
On the same day, the Chairman of Pakhtakor Rural Citizens' Gathering Mr Tovboy Soliev came to Kurbanova’s house and said that the local Khokimiat (Administration) urgently requested a schedule of the electricity supply, indicating the time convenient to the public. [In recent years, in Uzbekistan, power cuts are often commonplace]. Said Kurbanova invited Nuriniso Kholboeva and the three of them went to carry out a survey of the residents and on the way, they stopped at the Café "Home Cooking" for a lunch.
When they were already in the café, Mahliyo (we were not able to determin her last name and occupation - Ed.), a friend of Soliev joined them. She drank a lot, and when fairly drunk, began offering vodka to Saida Kurbanova and Nuriniso Kholboeva. In response to their refusal she splashed the vodka in their faces and began to shout at them loudly. Then the police from Pakhtakor District Department came and charged the human rights activists with disorderly conduct and took them into custody. Mahliyo and Tovboy Soliev by this time had disappeared.
On 6 December 2012 a hearing against Saida Kurbanova and Nuriniso Kholboevoy took place at the Pakhtakor Criminal Court, which considered an administrative action under Article 183 of the Administrative Code of Uzbekistan (disorderly conduct). Human rights activists were sentenced to 15 days imprisonment and fined 179,000 soums, (90 U.S. dollars). Mahliyo participated in the hearing as a witness. Tovboy Soliev not appear. The accuse human rights activists did not have a legal representative. Their families learned of their whereabouts three days after their arrest.
For 15 days Saida Kurbanova and Nuriniso Kholboeva were held in a small cellar at the Pakhtakor District Department of Internal Affairs of Jizzakh Region.
From the first to the last day they were questioned in the basement and in the office of Akmal Dzhahanov, the Deputy Chief of the Pahtakor Department of the Internal Affairs of Jizzakh Region. According to human rights activists, they were treated roughly, the Pakhtakor district police officers used obscene language and threats as follows: "We shall accuse your children of involvement in religious movements, and put them in jail," "Don’t you have anything better to do? Or do you need a man? No problem, we can put you among the 10 men, they will quickly comfort you", “If you do not stop your work, then we can quickly disfigure your face and shove a club into your anus”. They grabbed the women by the hair and beat their heads against the concrete wall; they were beaten in the abdomen and other parts of the body.
Under the threat of reprisals against them and their families the activists wrote a “pledge” to give up social activities and have agreed to cease their cooperation with the “Birdamlik” movement.
The relatives of the activists suspected that they were tortured, and came to the police station every day in order to achieve the liberation of women. The Major, Akmal Dzhahanov, the Deputy Chief of the Pahtakor Department of the Internal Affairs of Jizzakh Region did not hide his anger and threatened to deal not only with the detainees, but also with their families. He very rudely demanded Saida Kurbanova’a daughter in law to write a “letter of guarantee” to say: “... if my mother in law [Saida Kurbanova] continues to pursue her activities in the organisation “Birdamlik”, my eighteen months old son Murodjon will be given to the authorities as a hostage.”
On 21 December 2012 Dzhahanov got this “guarantee” and closer to 17:00 the activists were released to go home.
The Association for Human Rights in Central Asia – AHRCA urges all interested individuals, organisations and the media to draw attention to the fate of Saida Kurbanova and Nuriniso Kholboeva. Everything must be done to stop the acts of reprisals against human rights defender.
The Association for Human Rights in Central Asia – AHRCA considers that the actions of representatives of the government - the Deputy Chief of the Pahtakor Department of the Internal Affairs of Jizzakh Region, Major Akmal Dzhahanov and his subordinates, are illegal and contrary to the Constitution Uzbekistan and the obligations which Uzbekistan took under international agreements.
The AHRCA reported the reprisal against activists Saida Kurbanova and Nuriniso Kholboeva to:
— UN Special Rapporteur on Torture,
— UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders,
— EU,
— U.S. Department of State
— and international human rights organisations.
Uzbekistan: A prisoner swallowed nails as a sign of protest
The administration of prison UA [УЯ] 64/51, located in Kashkadarya region, introduced timetable of using the toilet, at all other times the room is locked. This innovation by the administration caused discomfort and physical suffering among prisoners.
On 3 December 2012 prisoner Kamoliddin Fakhriddinov, in the colony UA 64/51, swallowed nails in protest to the established order. For two days he remained without medical care. Only on the third day he was sent to the Hospital of the Republic for Prisoners UA 64/18 in Tashkent.
The prisoner Fakhriddinov sent several complaints to the Special Prosecutor. Kamoliddin Fakhriddinov took the above extreme measures because his letters were intercepted by the prison administration.
Kamoliddin Fahriddinov's destiny remains unknown since 6 December 2012. Representatives of the prison administration do not comment on the incident and do not allow the prisoners to discuss the problem caused by the new timetable of use of the toilet.
Kamoliddin Fahriddinov does not have any relatives. His wife died some time ago, and since then, no one is visiting him.
Our organisation has learned that Kamoliddin Fakhriddinov was born in 1959, was convicted under Article 168 (fraud). It is not possible for us to find out the date of his arrest and the length of his prison sentence.
The Association "Human Rights in Central Asia" considers that the established timetable of use of toilet in the colony UA 64/51 amounts to cruel and degrading treatment. Actions taken by the administration of the colony UA 64/51 are contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the commitments made by this country by ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Articles 7, 10, 19, 26), the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Articles 2, 4, 12, 16) of the UN Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognised Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment of Any Form (Principles 1, 3, 6, 21).
Uzbekistan: Murad Djuraev is sentenced to another term of imprisonment of three years 24 days
Prisoner Murad Djuraev received another prison sentence of three years and 24 days. This is the fifth consecutive conviction added to his main term of imprisonment. His new conviction once again showed the desire of the authorities to deprive Murad Djuraev of the prospects of ever to be released. Urgent intervention of the international community is required.
Between 1989 and 1992 he worked as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the City Council of the town of Mubarek. Between 1991-1992 he was a member of Parliament of Uzbekistan.
He was accused of conspiring with the leader of the opposition political party "Erk" Muhammad Salih. According to the authorities, they wanted to organise a violent seizure of power.
Murad Djuraev has been in prison sense 18 September 1994.
On 4 December 2012 at 19:00 in the town of Almalyk of Tashkent region the trial of political prisoner Murad Juraev took place. He was sentenced to three years and 24 days of imprisonment under Article 221 part 2, paragraph "b" of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan "Disobedience to lawful demands of the administration penal institutions." This is his fourth conviction under a similar article of the Criminal Code and the fifth addition to his main term of imprisonment. Characteristically, Murad Djuraev’s hearing was held on the eve of publication of the decision of the Senate of Uzbekistan of the amnesty in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of Uzbekistan.
Witnesses who were present at the hearing report that Murad Djuraev looked exhausted and skinny. He admitted that the only think that keeps him going is a sense of gratitude for his wife. All these years she consistently supports him and kept the same respect for him. Murad Djuraev admitted that he is ready to do everything possible to be free and with his wife.
- The Hearing
Public hearing of the criminal case against Murad Djuraev was held at Almalyk town court, presided over by Judge M.O. Nigmanov, court clerk I.S. Odilov and the assistant of the special prosecutor of the city of Tashkent J.B. Makhmudov. Murad Djuraev did not have a legal representative. His relatives also did not attend.
The verdict in the criminal case № 1-554/12 described four episode which formed the basis for the Court to characterise the actions of Murad Djuraev as disobeying the lawful demands of the administration of prison УЯ 64/45 located near the town of Almalyk of Tashkent region.
- On 8 September 2012 M. Djuraev went to the barracks (the sleeping room for the inmates - Ed.) wearing the shoes which he wears outdoors. Under the decision № 234 he was sentenced to 15 days in the punishment cell (room for temporary solitary confinement - Ed.)
- On 22 June 2012 M. Juraev smoked outside the area assigned in accordance with fire regulations for this purpose. Under the decision № 961 he was sentenced to 2 months in the punishment cell.
- On 12 May 2012 M. Juraev exchanged tea for tobacco. Under the decision №1591 he was sentenced to 15 days in the punishment cell.
- On 5 November 2011 M. Juraev did not carry out the work of landscaping of the colony assigned to him. Under the decision №650 he was sentenced to 15 days in the punishment cell.
- On 8 September 2012 M. Djuraev went to the barracks (the sleeping room for the inmates - Ed.) wearing the shoes which he wears outdoors. Under the decision № 234 he was sentenced to 15 days in the punishment cell (room for temporary solitary confinement - Ed.)
- On 22 June 2012 M. Juraev smoked outside the area assigned in accordance with fire regulations for this purpose. Under the decision № 961 he was sentenced to 2 months in the punishment cell.
- On 12 May 2012 M. Juraev exchanged tea for tobacco. Under the decision №1591 he was sentenced to 15 days in the punishment cell.
- On 5 November 2011 M. Juraev did not carry out the work of landscaping of the colony assigned to him. Under the decision №650 he was sentenced to 15 days in the punishment cell.
On 14 December 2012 Murad Juraev’s lawyer sent an appeal which presented an alleged Juraev’s version of the events. Of these alleged violations Juraev could only remember the case when the remark was made by the Administration on 8 September 2012. Then, he went to the barracks in the shoes which he uses instead of slippers. The Prison Administration officials did not want to listen to him and classified the event as a "violation" on the eve of a meeting with his wife. Of all other alleged cases of violation Juraev first heard during the trial.
- The Case of Murad Juraev
On 31 May 1995 Murad Juraev was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment to be served in a maximum security penal colony and confiscation of his property. On the basis of the amnesty, the sentence was reduced by three years.
Shortly before the end of his term on 27 July 2004 Juraev was convicted, on trumped-up charges under Article 221 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan, " Disobedience to lawful demands of the administration penal institutions", to three more years in prison. The same thing happened on 27 July 2006, as his last term of the sentence was about to expire they added three year sentence under article 221 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. On 31 May 2009 under the same Article the sentence was again extended for three years and four months. Among other reasons, there is a punishment for the fact that he "improperly pilled carrots", while working in the kitchen.
On 13 November 2012 the fourth term of his imprisonment expired.
P.S. The AHRCA draws attention to the fact that the dates in this document are taken from the Judgments of the criminal case № 1-554/12 against Murad Juraev. In previous articles the AHRCA relied on dates recorded according to memory of Holbeka Juraeva (the wife).
The Association "Human Rights in Central Asia" (AHRCA) and Holbeka Djuraeva (the wife of Murat Juraev) strongly encourage all interested individuals, organisations and the media to draw attention to the case of Murad Djurayev and submit statements to the authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan with an appeal for his release as soon as possible to the address listed below.
• President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, ul. Uzbekistanskaya 43, Rezidentsia prezidenta, 700163 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: +998 71 139 53 25, E-mail:
• Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdulaziz Kamilov, Ministerstvo inostrannykh del RU, pl. Mustakillik 5; 700029 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: + 998 71 139 15 17, E-mail: rnews@mfa.uz;
• Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, Sayora Rashidova, ul. Xalqlar Dostligi 1, 700035 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: +998 71 139 85 55, E-mail: office@ombudsman.gov.uz;
• Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Buritosh Mustafaev, Verkhovny Sud Respubliki Uzbekistan, ul. Abdulla Kodiri 1, 700183 Tashkent; Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: + 998 71 144 62 93;
• General Prosecutor of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rashidjon Kodirov, ul. Gulyamova 66, 700047 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: +998 71 133 39 17, E-mail: prokuratura@lawyer.com;
• National Centre for Human Rights, Senator Akmal Saidov Natsionalny, Tsentr po pravam cheloveka, Mustakillik Maidoni 5/3, 700029 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: + 998 71 139 13 56/45 16, E-mail: office@nchr.uz;
• Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Nations in Geneva, PO Box 1853, 1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland, Fax: +4122 799 43 02, E-mail: uzbekistan@bluewin.ch;
• Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdulaziz Kamilov, Ministerstvo inostrannykh del RU, pl. Mustakillik 5; 700029 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: + 998 71 139 15 17, E-mail: rnews@mfa.uz;
• Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, Sayora Rashidova, ul. Xalqlar Dostligi 1, 700035 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: +998 71 139 85 55, E-mail: office@ombudsman.gov.uz;
• Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Buritosh Mustafaev, Verkhovny Sud Respubliki Uzbekistan, ul. Abdulla Kodiri 1, 700183 Tashkent; Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: + 998 71 144 62 93;
• General Prosecutor of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rashidjon Kodirov, ul. Gulyamova 66, 700047 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: +998 71 133 39 17, E-mail: prokuratura@lawyer.com;
• National Centre for Human Rights, Senator Akmal Saidov Natsionalny, Tsentr po pravam cheloveka, Mustakillik Maidoni 5/3, 700029 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, Fax: + 998 71 139 13 56/45 16, E-mail: office@nchr.uz;
• Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Nations in Geneva, PO Box 1853, 1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland, Fax: +4122 799 43 02, E-mail: uzbekistan@bluewin.ch;
- Press Release «Uzbekistan: Ailing political prisoner Murad Djuraev is again placed in solitary confinement» dated 14 October 2012;
- Press Release «It is not possible to find out the location of political prisoner Murad Djuraev for the last four months» dated 17September 2009;
Uzbekistan: Free Political Prisoners on Constitution Day
Use Anniversary to Advance Real Reform
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Uzbekistan’s crackdown on civil society, journalists, and human rights defenders, please visit: “Uzbekistan: Activist Free but Crackdown Widening”:
“Uzbekistan: Government Shuts Down Human Rights Watch Office”:
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Uzbekistan, please visit:
(Paris, December 6, 2012) – The Uzbek government should unconditionally release all of its political prisoners on the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the country’s constitution on December 8, 2012, human rights groups said today. Freeing the country’s many political prisoners would demonstrate a genuine commitment to Uzbekistan’s much-touted reform process, the groups said.
The nine groups are Human Rights Watch, Freedom Now, the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia, the International Partnership for Human Rights, the International Association for Human Rights Defense “Fiery Hearts Club,” PEN American Center, ACAT-France, and the International Federation for Human Rights.
“Journalists, rights defenders, writers, and opposition and religious figures held solely on account of their peaceful activities shouldn’t be in prison in the first place,” said Steve Swerdlow, Central Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Freeing political prisoners for Constitution Day is an opportunity for President Islam Karimov to show Uzbekistan’s people and international partners that he’s willing to take a genuine step toward reform.”
Uzbek authorities regularly announce an amnesty, potentially for thousands of prisoners, for Constitution Day. But those imprisoned on politically motivated charges are almost never released under these amnesties. Even if they are released, the amnesty’s terms leave the original unlawful convictions intact. The rights groups also called on Uzbekistan’s authorities to allow all prisoners access to necessary medical care and family visits to which they are entitled under international human rights law.
Human rights defenders in prison for no reason other than their legitimate human rights work include: Solijon Abdurakhmanov, Azam Formonov, Mehrinisso Hamdamova, Zulhumor Hamdamova, Isroiljon Holdarov, Nosim Isakov, Gaibullo Jalilov, Abdurasul Khudoinazarov, Erkin Kuziev, Ganihon Mamatkhanov, Zafarjon Rahimov, Yuldash Rasulov, Dilmurod Saidov, Akzam Turgunov, and Gulnaza Yuldasheva. The journalist Jamshid Karimov was reported to have been released in 2011 from a psychiatric ward where he was forcibly confined but has disappeared, prompting fears that he was detained again and is being held incommunicado.
Several are in serious ill-health and at least seven have suffered torture or ill-treatment in prison. United Nations (UN) bodies and a recent report by Human Rights Watch have found that torture and ill-treatment are systematic and widespread in places of detention. In one case, during an interrogation following the arrest of the activist Turgunov in 2008 on trumped-up charges, a police officer poured boiling water on Turgunov’s back when he refused to sign a false confession. He lost consciousness and suffered severe burns. Though Turgunov later revealed his burn marks in open court, the judge accepted as fact statements made by police that they had not tortured him.
Other prominent writers, intellectuals, and opposition figures in jail on politically motivated charges include: Isak Abdullaev, Azamat Azimov, Muhammad Bekjanov, Batyrbek Eshkuziev, Ruhiddin Fahruddinov, Khayrullo Hamidov, Bahrom Ibragimov, Murod Juraev, Davron Kabilov, Mamadali Karabaev, Matluba Karimova, Samandar Kukanov, Mamadali Mahmudov, Gayrat Mehliboev, Yusuf Ruzimuradov, Rustam Usmanov, Ravshanbek Vafoev, and Akram Yuldashev.
In addition, the Uzbek government has imprisoned thousands of independent Muslims and other religious believers who practice their faith outside state controls or who belong to unregistered religious organizations on overly broad and vague charges of so-called “religious extremism,” “attempts to overthrow the constitutional order,” and possession of “illegal religious literature.”
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention recently found that the Uzbek government’s practice of punishing its citizens for exercising fundamental rights of free expression is a violation of its international obligations.
“International law and Uzbekistan’s own constitution demand respect for human rights, such as free expression, association, assembly, and belief,” said Patrick Griffith, an attorney with Freedom Now. “For the constitution to have any meaning the government must immediately release all those who have been imprisoned for exercising these fundamental rights.”
Each year, in connection with Uzbekistan’s national independence and Constitution Day celebrations, several thousand prisoners are released under amnesties. The amnesties are usually reserved for those convicted of less serious offenses and for specific demographic categories such as teenagers, women, and prisoners over age 60. Prison directors have wide discretion over who to release. Political prisoners are denied amnesty year after year for alleged infractions of internal prison regulations. Infractions used as a basis for denying amnesty have included saying prayers and wearing a white shirt.
Authorities also extend the prison sentences of imprisoned rights activists, journalists, political opposition figures, and thousands of individuals serving sentences for “religious extremism” for alleged violations of prison regulations. Such extensions occur without due process and can add years to a prisoner’s sentence.
“The illegal extension of sentences for political prisoners, some of whom have been behind bars for well over a decade, shows the particular cruelty of Uzbekistan’s criminal justice system,” said Nadejda Atayeva, president of the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia. “Several of these men, such as Makhmadali Makhmudov, Murod Juraev, and Solijon Abdurakhmanov, are elderly and in ill-health. Continuously extending their sentences effectively condemns them to die behind bars.”
At the end of January, just days before his 13-year prison sentence was set to expire, authorities gave Bekjanov, former editor of the political opposition newspaper Erk, an additional five-year sentence for alleged violations of internal prison rules. Bekjanov has been jailed since 1999. He and Ruzimuradov have been imprisoned longer than any other reporter worldwide, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.
While Uzbek authorities have released a few human rights defenders over the last several years, the pace of releases has slowed since the EU and the US moved to normalize ties with Uzbekistan, lifting sanctions in 2009 and 2012 respectively, seeking to secure the Uzbek government’s cooperation on the war in Afghanistan.
In addition to a campaign of harassment and intimidation of civil society activists, Uzbek authorities also imprisoned at least two more rights activists this year: Kuziev, a member of the human rights organization Ezgulik (“Compassion”) and Yuldasheva, a member of the Initiative Group of Human Rights Defenders. Yuldasheva, just 26 years old, was sentenced in July to seven years on trumped-up fraud charges for investigating alleged police involvement in human trafficking.
“The ongoing harassment of civil society and recent sentencing of more rights activists to prison show that Tashkent is clearly not feeling enough pressure from the US, EU, or other key players to change its behavior,” said Artak Kirakosyan, general secretary of the International Federation for Human Rights. “Uzbekistan’s civil society and its people are in dire need of a stronger voice from Washington, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and other capitals in defense of their human rights.”
While the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to Uzbekistan’s prisons and detention centers, its work is confidential and the Uzbek government prevents public scrutiny of its prisons by local civil society and journalists, international nongovernmental organizations, and reporters. For the past decade, it has denied access to all 11 UN special monitors who have requested invitations – including the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders – and has failed to comply with recommendations by various expert bodies. The government has forced many international organizations and media outlets to leave Uzbekistan, and in March 2011, Uzbek authorities forced Human Rights Watch to close its Tashkent office. The government denies registration to local independent human rights groups.
In November, Uzbek prison officials tried to prevent an ICRC delegation from visiting with Abdurakhmanov, the imprisoned journalist whom authorities had hidden from ICRC for months, the independent Uznews.net news site reported. On one previous ICRC visit to prison camp No. 64/61, Abdurakhmanov was driven out of the prison and hidden from inspectors. On this occasion, Abdurakhmanov’s son told the news site that prison officials brought an impostor to meet with the ICRC delegation, who quickly established that he was not Abdurakhmanov.
Both Uzbek law and international law require prison authorities to provide basic necessities to all prisoners, to allow them regular visits – including personal visits by family members – and to treat them with dignity and respect. The Convention against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhumane, and Degrading Treatment and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibit inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Uzbekistan is a party to both treaties. Uzbek authorities should order an immediate investigation of all allegations of mistreatment of prisoners held on politically motivated charges, and also allow for re-examination of the closed hearings in which political prisoners’ sentences have been extended, the rights groups said.
“Rather than placing activists under house arrest and suppressing peaceful attempts to protest, President Karimov should commemorate Constitution Day by honoring the constitution’s principles and fulfilling Uzbekistan’s international human rights commitments,” said Mutabar Tadjibaeva, former political prisoner and president of the “Fiery Hearts Club.” “Uzbekistan’s rights defenders, journalists, opposition and religious figures have suffered long enough.”
To read the Human Rights Watch Report, “No One Left to Witness,” please visit:
http://www.hrw.org/reports/2011/12/13/no-one-left-witness-0The nine groups are Human Rights Watch, Freedom Now, the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia, the International Partnership for Human Rights, the International Association for Human Rights Defense “Fiery Hearts Club,” PEN American Center, ACAT-France, and the International Federation for Human Rights.
“Journalists, rights defenders, writers, and opposition and religious figures held solely on account of their peaceful activities shouldn’t be in prison in the first place,” said Steve Swerdlow, Central Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Freeing political prisoners for Constitution Day is an opportunity for President Islam Karimov to show Uzbekistan’s people and international partners that he’s willing to take a genuine step toward reform.”
Uzbek authorities regularly announce an amnesty, potentially for thousands of prisoners, for Constitution Day. But those imprisoned on politically motivated charges are almost never released under these amnesties. Even if they are released, the amnesty’s terms leave the original unlawful convictions intact. The rights groups also called on Uzbekistan’s authorities to allow all prisoners access to necessary medical care and family visits to which they are entitled under international human rights law.
Human rights defenders in prison for no reason other than their legitimate human rights work include: Solijon Abdurakhmanov, Azam Formonov, Mehrinisso Hamdamova, Zulhumor Hamdamova, Isroiljon Holdarov, Nosim Isakov, Gaibullo Jalilov, Abdurasul Khudoinazarov, Erkin Kuziev, Ganihon Mamatkhanov, Zafarjon Rahimov, Yuldash Rasulov, Dilmurod Saidov, Akzam Turgunov, and Gulnaza Yuldasheva. The journalist Jamshid Karimov was reported to have been released in 2011 from a psychiatric ward where he was forcibly confined but has disappeared, prompting fears that he was detained again and is being held incommunicado.
Several are in serious ill-health and at least seven have suffered torture or ill-treatment in prison. United Nations (UN) bodies and a recent report by Human Rights Watch have found that torture and ill-treatment are systematic and widespread in places of detention. In one case, during an interrogation following the arrest of the activist Turgunov in 2008 on trumped-up charges, a police officer poured boiling water on Turgunov’s back when he refused to sign a false confession. He lost consciousness and suffered severe burns. Though Turgunov later revealed his burn marks in open court, the judge accepted as fact statements made by police that they had not tortured him.
Other prominent writers, intellectuals, and opposition figures in jail on politically motivated charges include: Isak Abdullaev, Azamat Azimov, Muhammad Bekjanov, Batyrbek Eshkuziev, Ruhiddin Fahruddinov, Khayrullo Hamidov, Bahrom Ibragimov, Murod Juraev, Davron Kabilov, Mamadali Karabaev, Matluba Karimova, Samandar Kukanov, Mamadali Mahmudov, Gayrat Mehliboev, Yusuf Ruzimuradov, Rustam Usmanov, Ravshanbek Vafoev, and Akram Yuldashev.
In addition, the Uzbek government has imprisoned thousands of independent Muslims and other religious believers who practice their faith outside state controls or who belong to unregistered religious organizations on overly broad and vague charges of so-called “religious extremism,” “attempts to overthrow the constitutional order,” and possession of “illegal religious literature.”
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention recently found that the Uzbek government’s practice of punishing its citizens for exercising fundamental rights of free expression is a violation of its international obligations.
“International law and Uzbekistan’s own constitution demand respect for human rights, such as free expression, association, assembly, and belief,” said Patrick Griffith, an attorney with Freedom Now. “For the constitution to have any meaning the government must immediately release all those who have been imprisoned for exercising these fundamental rights.”
Each year, in connection with Uzbekistan’s national independence and Constitution Day celebrations, several thousand prisoners are released under amnesties. The amnesties are usually reserved for those convicted of less serious offenses and for specific demographic categories such as teenagers, women, and prisoners over age 60. Prison directors have wide discretion over who to release. Political prisoners are denied amnesty year after year for alleged infractions of internal prison regulations. Infractions used as a basis for denying amnesty have included saying prayers and wearing a white shirt.
Authorities also extend the prison sentences of imprisoned rights activists, journalists, political opposition figures, and thousands of individuals serving sentences for “religious extremism” for alleged violations of prison regulations. Such extensions occur without due process and can add years to a prisoner’s sentence.
“The illegal extension of sentences for political prisoners, some of whom have been behind bars for well over a decade, shows the particular cruelty of Uzbekistan’s criminal justice system,” said Nadejda Atayeva, president of the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia. “Several of these men, such as Makhmadali Makhmudov, Murod Juraev, and Solijon Abdurakhmanov, are elderly and in ill-health. Continuously extending their sentences effectively condemns them to die behind bars.”
At the end of January, just days before his 13-year prison sentence was set to expire, authorities gave Bekjanov, former editor of the political opposition newspaper Erk, an additional five-year sentence for alleged violations of internal prison rules. Bekjanov has been jailed since 1999. He and Ruzimuradov have been imprisoned longer than any other reporter worldwide, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.
While Uzbek authorities have released a few human rights defenders over the last several years, the pace of releases has slowed since the EU and the US moved to normalize ties with Uzbekistan, lifting sanctions in 2009 and 2012 respectively, seeking to secure the Uzbek government’s cooperation on the war in Afghanistan.
In addition to a campaign of harassment and intimidation of civil society activists, Uzbek authorities also imprisoned at least two more rights activists this year: Kuziev, a member of the human rights organization Ezgulik (“Compassion”) and Yuldasheva, a member of the Initiative Group of Human Rights Defenders. Yuldasheva, just 26 years old, was sentenced in July to seven years on trumped-up fraud charges for investigating alleged police involvement in human trafficking.
“The ongoing harassment of civil society and recent sentencing of more rights activists to prison show that Tashkent is clearly not feeling enough pressure from the US, EU, or other key players to change its behavior,” said Artak Kirakosyan, general secretary of the International Federation for Human Rights. “Uzbekistan’s civil society and its people are in dire need of a stronger voice from Washington, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and other capitals in defense of their human rights.”
While the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has access to Uzbekistan’s prisons and detention centers, its work is confidential and the Uzbek government prevents public scrutiny of its prisons by local civil society and journalists, international nongovernmental organizations, and reporters. For the past decade, it has denied access to all 11 UN special monitors who have requested invitations – including the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders – and has failed to comply with recommendations by various expert bodies. The government has forced many international organizations and media outlets to leave Uzbekistan, and in March 2011, Uzbek authorities forced Human Rights Watch to close its Tashkent office. The government denies registration to local independent human rights groups.
In November, Uzbek prison officials tried to prevent an ICRC delegation from visiting with Abdurakhmanov, the imprisoned journalist whom authorities had hidden from ICRC for months, the independent Uznews.net news site reported. On one previous ICRC visit to prison camp No. 64/61, Abdurakhmanov was driven out of the prison and hidden from inspectors. On this occasion, Abdurakhmanov’s son told the news site that prison officials brought an impostor to meet with the ICRC delegation, who quickly established that he was not Abdurakhmanov.
Both Uzbek law and international law require prison authorities to provide basic necessities to all prisoners, to allow them regular visits – including personal visits by family members – and to treat them with dignity and respect. The Convention against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhumane, and Degrading Treatment and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibit inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Uzbekistan is a party to both treaties. Uzbek authorities should order an immediate investigation of all allegations of mistreatment of prisoners held on politically motivated charges, and also allow for re-examination of the closed hearings in which political prisoners’ sentences have been extended, the rights groups said.
“Rather than placing activists under house arrest and suppressing peaceful attempts to protest, President Karimov should commemorate Constitution Day by honoring the constitution’s principles and fulfilling Uzbekistan’s international human rights commitments,” said Mutabar Tadjibaeva, former political prisoner and president of the “Fiery Hearts Club.” “Uzbekistan’s rights defenders, journalists, opposition and religious figures have suffered long enough.”
To read the Human Rights Watch Report, “No One Left to Witness,” please visit:
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Uzbekistan’s crackdown on civil society, journalists, and human rights defenders, please visit: “Uzbekistan: Activist Free but Crackdown Widening”:
“Uzbekistan: Government Shuts Down Human Rights Watch Office”:
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Uzbekistan, please visit:
Norway: Uzbek national receives threatening calls from a police officer of Uzbekistan
Criminal investigators from Uzbekistan call abroad to a person wanted in Uzbekistan and threaten with arrest by the Interpol. Under the pretext of closing the criminal cases they extort property of the accused and require expensive gifts of them. A citizen of Uzbekistan Muhabbat Pozilova who resides in Norway has been receiving this kind of calls for a year.
An Uzbek citizen, Muhabbat Pozilova has been living in Norway for the last two years, where she applied for an international protection. She was born and raised in Uzbekistan. She has four children. Before having to emigrate, she actively engaged in entrepreneurial activity.
The case of Muhabbat Pozilova is worth being noted by the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. Throughout the year, she receives threats over the phone by agents of the Uzbek law enforcement authorities.
The case of Muhabbat Pozilova is worth being noted by the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. Throughout the year, she receives threats over the phone by agents of the Uzbek law enforcement authorities.
- About illegal activities of the agents of Ministry of Internal Affairs

According to Muhabbat Pozilova the investigator Ishmuradov repeatedly threatened her over the phone with arrest by the Interpol and forced her to settlement agreement with the "competitors". In the event if she fulfils this requirement, he promises to close the criminal case against her on the basis of the last act of amnesty. Muhabbat Pozilova was able to record the threats made by Ishmuradov and kept the dates and time of his other calls. During this period there were at least 15 calls and one sms-message, in which he writes: "... where is the Application IPhonechi ." As Muhabbat Pozilova explains, Ishmuradov is extorting a new expensive internet device IPhone from her.

- Article 235 сoercion to giving testimony, that is mental or physical pressure on a suspect, accused, witness, victim, or examiner by threats, striking, beating, tormenting, causing of suffering, inflicting of trivial or medium bodily injury or other illegal acts committed by an inquiry officer, investigator, or prosecutor with the purpose to coerce to giving testimony – shall be punished with arrest up to six months or imprisonment up to five years. In case of Ms Pozilova, her relatives were threatened and under pressure from the agents of the law informant authorities had to give the information about her whereabouts, and Ms Pozilova herself was forced to give up her property to the third party;
- Article 239 (disclosure of Information of Inquiry or Pretrial Investigation), punishable by three year in prison.
- Reasons for leaving the country
From 2005 to 2007 Ms Pozilova owned a company called "Eskado Service" and was an official dealer of the Volgograd Plant "Severstal-Enamel" (Russia), which is a producer of enamel and non-stick cookware. This company had to close under the pressure and extortion by its competitors. When she refused to pay the extortionists a share of her profits she was summoned to the offices of the Customs and Tax Committee of Uzbekistan. In the offices of these agencies it was made clear to her that all the dealers of foreign companies are controlled by Gulnara Karimova, a daughter of Uzbek leader Islam Karimov. An agent of the Customs Committee told her directly that in order to avoid problems she should close the company "Eskado Service." Soon the dealership agreement with the Volgograd partner was prematurely terminated and transferred to its competitors.
Ms Pozilova decided to change the sphere of her business and in 2008 she opened a shop «Kalizion Fashion» located in the centre of Tashkent near Alai market. Pozilova paid her taxes and transferred a share of her profits to the poor in a mosque. And once again she was approached by "important" people and they began to establish a new order in her company. They illegally seized goods from the warehouse of the store «Kalizion Fashion» and began to foretell problems. According to Ms Pozilova, in 2008 raids and a takeover by the people trusted by Gulnara Karimova, the daughter of the head of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov took place.
Respondents of the Association confirmed that the shop «Kalizion Fashion» is owned by Ms Pozilova, but declined to name the extortionists. They believe that it will affect their safety.
When Muhabbat Pozilova refused to "voluntarily" give up the store «Kalizion Fashion» the extortionists started a criminal case against her under Article 168 ("Fraud") of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan.
Fearing reprisals, most people around Pozilova did not support her. Unlike many, Umid Hodzhimatov, a colleague went to the extortionists and challenged them. After which he was accused of fraud and sentenced to five years and six months.
Muhabbat Pozilova managed to flee the country still having legal ownership of the store «Kalizion Fashion». The authorities announced her wanted under the case number 10/11717.
Ms Pozilova’s parents had several visits at their home by the criminal investigator of Uzbekistan Nizom Ishmuradov and investigator of the Hamza District Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent Bakhtiyor Erkabaev. They rudely demanded from the children and the father of Muhabbat information about her whereabouts and her telephone number. Thus law enforcement agencies obtained the mobile number of Muhabbat Pozilova in Norway. The worries for her daughter and grandchildren have provoked her father to have a heart attack, which resulted in his death on 22 July 2011. This fact is confirmed by the death certificate of Alijon Akbarov.
- The system
The Association for Human Rights in Central Asia has been more often receiving applications from Uzbek entrepreneurs faced with extortions. The extortionists are given cover and protection by the law enforcement agencies. It is significant that none of the victims could stand by his right to property. Once they began to resist the pressure of extortion a criminal case was started against them, with all the ensuing consequences. Even in exile, they do not feel secure and their relatives living in Uzbekistan suffer in their absence.
* * *
The application of the citizen of Uzbekistan Muhabbat Pozilova and her documents confirming the information about the existence of the threat stated in her application were sent to the Prosecutor General of Norway and to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to provide Muhabbat Pozilova with security in accordance with its obligations under international agreements on human rights. At the same time we sent a special report to the Central Office of the Interpol, to the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture requesting to draw attention of the Official Representative of Uzbekistan to the United Nations to the illegal actions of law enforcement authorities of Uzbekistan.
Annex 1
For a year an agent of the Department of Criminal Investigation of Khamza district of Tashkent Nizom Eshmuradov has been terrorising with his phone calls a citizen of Uzbekistan Muhabbat Pazilovu temporarily living in Norway. Eshmuradov threatened Pazilova to arrest her, to declare her wanted by Interpol and has been extorting an Apple iPhone from Pazilova.
The Association "Human Rights in Central Asia," managed to get a list of phone calls from made by Nizom Eshmuradov from the phone numbers +9989712966072 and +998971196166 belonging to Khamza district police department of the city of Tashkent. Ownership of these numbers was also confirmed by our sources in Uzbekistan. We know for certain that a member of the Criminal Investigation Department Nizom Eshmuradov phoned Muhabbat Pozilova with threats on following dates:
- 24.10.2012 07:18The Association "Human Rights in Central Asia," managed to get a list of phone calls from made by Nizom Eshmuradov from the phone numbers +9989712966072 and +998971196166 belonging to Khamza district police department of the city of Tashkent. Ownership of these numbers was also confirmed by our sources in Uzbekistan. We know for certain that a member of the Criminal Investigation Department Nizom Eshmuradov phoned Muhabbat Pozilova with threats on following dates:
- 04.04.2012 16:03
- 04.04.2012 16:02
- 15.03.2012 13:28
- 04.03.2012 15:04
- 03.03 2012 15:03
- 10.02.2012 11:47
- 10.02.2012 11:31.
We have the audio recording of one of these phone calls from Nizom Eshmuradov to Muhabbat Pozilova made on 4 June 2012. The call was made at 16:48:49. The call duration is 4 minutes 19 seconds. The original records in the Uzbek language can be listened to here http://www.youtube.com/user/AssoHRCA?feature=watch ;
- The following is the translated transcript of the phone call
Muhabbat: Thank you, and yourself?
Nizom: You make us miss you. Will you come?
Muhabbat: You missed me? It is easy for you to say.
Nizom: Yes.
Muhabbat: As soon as I heard the news, I have been troubled very much.
Nizom: That is what we have in hand.
Muhabbat: Last time on the phone you said you wanted to declare me wanted?
Nizom: No, I have not declared you wanted yet, I am still working on it!
Muhabbat: If I do not come, you get me on the wanted list?
Nizom: [laughs - Ed.]
Muhabbat: Nizom, and where do you call me from, Khamza police department?
Nizom: Hmm ... from Khamza police department.
Muhabbat: From the Department of Investigation?
Nizom: And something else happened?
Muhabbat: Tell me this, Alina told you that I did not take the money? Or they both insist that I took the money?
Nizom: They both said that you took the money, they want to make you guilty, but they know that you are not.
Muhabbat: What did they say? I took the money or I did not take it?
Nizom: No, they said that you took [the money - Ed.], they made you a scapegoat.
Muhabbat: Who exactly said - those two girls or Alina, or all the girls at Alina’s house?
Nizom: The other girls said you took [the money - Ed.], But Zulya says you are not to blame.
Muhabbat: Hmm ... clearly, this is Alina.
Nizom: Alina was not summoned, and she did not come.
Muhabbat: And because of that, you want me on the wanted list?
Nizom: Yes.
Muhabbat: For what? I did not take the money!
Nizom: Because you have to come and you have to prove your innocence. If you do not show up, it means you agree with the prosecution. And if you come, you will be able to justify it yourself.
Muhabbat: If you declared me wanted, what then?
Nizom: It will very bad!
Muhabbat: And what will be bad?
Nizom: I will get approval for your arrest and shut you right there!
Muhabbat: What will you do? How do you get a warrant?
Nizom: Will get you imprisoned where you are now. And shall give the information to Interpol, then they will arrest you immediately shut down for a week or a month.
Muhabbat: Here? [In Norway - Ed.]
Nizom: Yes, there! As soon as you are shut down, your career is over. Interpol will send you from one prison to another, and for a year you will done by the Interpol. To avoid this, contact Zuhriddin [he is speaking of the investigator of Khamza district police department, who called Muhabbat Pozilova for questioning when she was in Tashkent. - Ed.]. He asked that you contacted him.
Muhabbat: Under what article am I being accused?
Nizom: You?
Muhabbat: Yes.
Nizom: Article 168 part 3 ["Fraud on a large scale" - the title of the Article in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Ed.]. It turns out that you have sent a letter asking for amnesty? I also gave it to the prosecutor. I was told that, since you have the third part of Article 168, you have to be here in person.
Muhabbat: I told you about a man, he had come, but he has not said anything yet. If he does not answer, I may not be able to return.
Nizom: If you do not come voluntarily, I will file your name as wanted by the Interpol. The Interpol will put you [in prison], and then deport you to Uzbekistan, from prison in Uzbekistan, you will not come out ever. I shall run you down this way! For a while Zuhriddin has been asking for me to do you a favour.
Muhabbat: The man I have been telling you about has arrived. I need to ask for his advice. I'll tell you later.
Nizom: Come on, come on! Only be quick about it [ironically - Ed.].
Muhabbat. Okay. All right.
Explanatory Note. The translation from Uzbek is prepared by the Association "Human Rights in Central Asia." In Uzbek Nizom spoke using the jargon of the criminal world, and many of the phrases he uses are threats against Muhabbat.
Uzbekistan: The imprisoned writer Mamadali Makhmudov receives a serious head injury
“I saw my father emaciated, he could barely speak or move ... "- says daughter of Mamadali Makhmudov.
Since October 26, 2012 Uzbek writer Mamadali Makhmudov has been in hospital-colony UA 64/18, where he had stitches to a wound on the back of his head.
Since October 26, 2012 Uzbek writer Mamadali Makhmudov has been in hospital-colony UA 64/18, where he had stitches to a wound on the back of his head.
The distinguished writer Mamadali Makhmudov (writing under the name of Evril Turon) was born in 1940. A citizen of Uzbekistan, and former chairman of the Cultural Foundation of Uzbekistan, he was the leader of the "Turkestan" movement, created by a group of Uzbek intellectuals and which lasted from 1989 to 1993. Recipient of a Hellman-Hammett grant, awarded to writers who are victims of political persecution, and of the Uzbek literary award "Cholpan", established in memory of the victims of Stalin's purges, which he received for his historical novel "The Immortal Rocks". In 2008, the French publishing house «L'Aube» released the novel in French translation by Philippe Frison.
Mamadali Makhmudov`s case requires the urgent involvement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the PEN Club and other international organizations.
Immediate needs:
- Access for representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross;
- Unimpeded access to a lawyer;
On 14th November 2012, Mamadali Makhmudov had a meeting with his daughter. Guards took the writer to a meeting, and remained in the room during the visit. Maybe because of that Mamadali Makhmudov preferred not to say anything about the wound on his head. He only said that he had high blood pressure, 200 to 150, and general weakness. Several years ago, doctors had diagnosed him with tuberculosis.
- Mamadali Makhmudov`s Case
The writer was arrested on the 26th February 1999. On the 18th August 1999 the Tashkent regional court sentenced him to 14 years in prison under various articles of the criminal code: 25-159 part 4 (threatening the constitutional order), 216 (inducing participation in activities of banned public associations or religious organizations), and 242 part 1 (organization of a criminal group). He is serving his sentence in penal colony UA 64/6 in Chirchik, Tashkent region. This is not the writer's first conviction on trumped up charges.
In 1994 drugs were planted on Mamadali Makhmudov during a search; there was also found a leaflet of the "Erk" party; later he received a sentence for theft. In those years, he was chairman of the Cultural Foundation of Uzbekistan. Public outcry and international movements in his support impacted the authorities and they released him under an amnesty.
- System
Mamadali Makhmudov is 72 years old and serving the 13th year of imprisonment. The 1999 sentence ends in February 2014. There are signs of the preparation of new charges against him, under article 221 of the Criminal Code (disobeying legitimate orders of administration of penal institutions), which provides for imprisonment from three to five years. In recent years, this article has been applied more often than usual, in particular in respect of political prisoners, and essentially adds up to a life sentence.
The writer has three children. The family is under constant surveillance by law enforcement agencies. His son Babur was arrested in Tashkent after the Andijan events in May 2005 but was released due to lack of evidence linking him to these events. For more than eight years the sons of Mamadali Makhmudov have not been able get jobs because they are related to the convicted writer.
There is a similar situation with Murat Djuraev, former Member of Parliament of Uzbekistan and former Chairman of the first private commercial bank "Rustam-Bank"; Muhammad Bekzhan, editor of "Erk" magazine; and human rights activist Isroil Holdarov. In 2012, they reached the end of their sentences, but before the date of release they were placed in solitary confinement and then condemned under Article 221 of the Criminal Code.
The Association of "Human Rights in Central Asia" is drawing international attention to the fact that the conditions of Uzbek prisoners contradict the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the commitments made by this country under the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Articles 7, 10, 18, 19, 22, 26); the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (article 15); the UN Declaration on the Right and responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment (principles 1, 6, 21).
The writer has three children. The family is under constant surveillance by law enforcement agencies. His son Babur was arrested in Tashkent after the Andijan events in May 2005 but was released due to lack of evidence linking him to these events. For more than eight years the sons of Mamadali Makhmudov have not been able get jobs because they are related to the convicted writer.
There is a similar situation with Murat Djuraev, former Member of Parliament of Uzbekistan and former Chairman of the first private commercial bank "Rustam-Bank"; Muhammad Bekzhan, editor of "Erk" magazine; and human rights activist Isroil Holdarov. In 2012, they reached the end of their sentences, but before the date of release they were placed in solitary confinement and then condemned under Article 221 of the Criminal Code.
The Association of "Human Rights in Central Asia" is drawing international attention to the fact that the conditions of Uzbek prisoners contradict the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the commitments made by this country under the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Articles 7, 10, 18, 19, 22, 26); the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (article 15); the UN Declaration on the Right and responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment (principles 1, 6, 21).
The Association for Human Rights in Central Asia urges all interested individuals, organizations and the media to draw attention to the fate of Mamadali Makhmudov.
Uzbekistan: ailing political prisoner Murad Djurayev is again placed in solitary confinement
On 10 October 2012 political prisoner Murat Juraev was placed in a punishment cell for further eleven days. On 13 November fifth term of his punishment will expire, however, this might not be the last one. Djurayev hs difficulty walking and barely is audible when he speaks. He lost all hope of being released. The urgent intervention of the international community is needed.
On 5 September 2012 Murad Djurayev turned 60. A former member of the Supreme Parliament of Uzbekistan, for over 18 years, Murad Djurayev has been in prison. Eyewitnesses reported that his health is in a critical state. Over the years of his imprisonment, Murad Djurayev has lost his teeth, he has a constantly inflamed pharynx, and he has chronic headaches. For all the years of imprisonment, the International Committee of the Red Cross has never visited him.
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Murad Djuraev 1994 |
Since 18 September 1994 he has been in prison. At present he is held at Prison Facility УЯ 64/45 near the town of Almalik in Tashkent region.
On 31 March 1995 года Murad Djurayev was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment to be served in a strict regime penal colony. On the basis of an amnesty, the sentence was reduced by three years.
Murad Djurayev was accused of conspiring with the leader of the “Erk” opposition political party, Mukhammad Solih, who according to the authorities, tried to organize a violent coup.
Shortly before the end of his sentence term in 2003, Djuaryev was convicted on trumped-up charges under Article 221 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan «Disobedience to the legal demands of the administration of the administration of the penal institution» for yet another three years of imprisonment. The same happened in 2006 when coming to the end of his last sentence term, the prisoner was given an additional three years of imprisonment under Article 221 of the Criminal code of Uzbekistan. In March 2009, using the same Article, his prison term was again extended by three years and four months. Among other reasons given – the punishment was given because he “improperly cleaned carrots,” when working in the kitchen. In November 2012, he will complete his fifth sentence. Will it be his last?
In May 2011, the leader of the opposition party “Erk” and political refugee, Mukhammad Solih lead the the People’s Movement of Uzbekistan. This seriously alarmed Uzbekistan’s President Islam Karimov. Many political prisoners, even those with no connection to Mukhammad Solih, found their sentences extended, civil society activists once again were not given permission to leave the country, and many sites on internet are blocked in the Country.
The Association “Human Rights in Central Asia” believes that Murad Djurayev has been groundlessly imprisoned and calls for intervention on his behalf to:
- UN High Commissioner on Human Rights;
- UN Special Rapporteur on Torture;
- International Committee of the Red Cross;
- European Union;
- United States Department of State;
- and other international organizations.
Источник: Ассоциация "Права человека в Центральной Азии"
16, rue de Docteur Leroy, 72000 Le Mans France;
Boycott Uzbek Textile and Companies Using It!
We, the undersigned citizens of Uzbekistan, call for an international boycott of Uzbek textile and companies that use it. For the Uzbek textile is produced of cotton harvested using forced labour of children and adults. Foreign investors and partners of Uzbek textile companies must comply with international human rights standards, and press for the Uzbek government to respect human rights. Only independent monitoring by the International Labour Organization can confirm when Uzbekistan ceases the practice of forced labour. We urge the European Union and the United States of America to cancel the trade benefits for Uzbek textile manufacturers, provided by the General System of Preferences. Below is a list of companies in Uzbekistan that feed cotton products into supply chains of Western companies. We call for a boycott.
Throughout the post-Soviet period Uzbekistan has not stopped the practice of large-scale forced mobilization of school children, students, employees of enterprises, government agencies and public sector workers to harvest cotton. Under orders from the central government executed by the district and provincial authorities, an estimated two million school children and adults are mobilized every autumn for two months to harvest the cotton. School children and academic year is interrupted, and they work in the cotton fields with no days off. Adults follow orders under threat of punishment, including dismissal from their jobs, losing social security benefits, and fines. Ratification of fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) № 29, 105, 138, 182 by Uzbekistan, which prohibit forced labour and child labour, and the adoption of certain legislation to protect the rights of children has not lead to the cessation of forced labour.
Cotton is the main agricultural crop exported by Uzbekistan, and it brings one billion U.S. dollars to the government budget. However, we Uzbek citizens have no access to the information on how the earnings from the export of cotton are used.
The research, mass media coverage of forced labour in Uzbekistan, and the repeated calls made by international organizations to stop the practice of forced labour are not bringing positive outcomes. Appeals to allow the ILO mission to examine the implementation of the country’s international obligations under the four conventions mentioned above are always rejected by the Uzbek government. To fulfil its obligations under these conventions, the Uzbek government will need to dismantle the command system in the cotton sector of the economy, which relies on forced labour. Farmers and their families become victims and hostages of the command economy. The Uzbek government sees no benefit in real agricultural reforms, preferring the old practice, dating back to the days of Stalin.
The research, mass media coverage of forced labour in Uzbekistan, and the repeated calls made by international organizations to stop the practice of forced labour are not bringing positive outcomes. Appeals to allow the ILO mission to examine the implementation of the country’s international obligations under the four conventions mentioned above are always rejected by the Uzbek government. To fulfil its obligations under these conventions, the Uzbek government will need to dismantle the command system in the cotton sector of the economy, which relies on forced labour. Farmers and their families become victims and hostages of the command economy. The Uzbek government sees no benefit in real agricultural reforms, preferring the old practice, dating back to the days of Stalin.
Since September 2012, we are receiving new reports of forced mobilization of students, doctors, teachers and other groups of citizens for the cotton harvest. The practice of forced labour continues, because the international pressure remains imperceptible for the government of Uzbekistan.
Since 2007, we have been calling for an international boycott of Uzbek cotton, and a number of international companies have supported it. More than 80 companies signed a pledge that they will not knowingly source Uzbek cotton until the government of Uzbekistan ends the practice of forced child labour in its cotton sector. However to identify the country of origin of the cotton in a huge trade flow is technically very difficult, a reality which is well used by the Uzbek government. We therefore call for the start of the next phase of the campaign against forced labour in Uzbekistan - a boycott of Uzbek textile and companies using it.
According to our data, annually more than 250,000 tons of cotton fibre is sold in Uzbekistan to locally-based textile companies. The biggest part of this cotton is obtained by the companies with a foreign capital - joint ventures or subsidiaries of foreign companies. There are at least 50 of these companies. Their products, e.g. yarn and fabrics, are intended for export to global textile and apparel supply chains, and thereby enter Europe and the U.S. In the appendix we provide a complete list of these companies with information identifying their foreign partners.
The list is headed by the enterprises founded by Korean companies who are the largest buyers of Uzbek cotton and textile manufacturers. First of all, these are the enterprises owned by Daewoo International. Its subsidiary “Daewoo Textile Fergana” buys the largest quantity of cotton of any company in the country’s cotton processing industry - about 30,000 tons per year. On the second place is “Daewoo Textile Bukhara” (10,000 tons a year). In addition, there are two more Korean enterprises, LLC «Hain Tex» in Namangan and «Senas Textile» in Andijan. Given the magnitude of Korean investment in the textile industry of Uzbekistan (46,500 tons of cotton purchased per year), it is hard to imagine that they were carried out without the participation of the South Korean government and its embassy in Uzbekistan. The South Korean government is informed of the situation of forced labour in the cotton sector of Uzbekistan and the international campaign for its cessation; however, it has not warned Korean companies about the risks of conducting business with Uzbek cotton and cotton products. Therefore, along with Korean companies the responsibility to boycott Uzbek cotton is shared with the government of South Korea.
We call for a boycott of the entire textile production of Daewoo International as the largest investor in the textile industry in Uzbekistan. Daewoo has to do everything possible to put the pressure on the Uzbek government to bring an end to the slavery in the cotton fields of our country. This is the way forward towards making Uzbekistan’s cotton production comply with the international social standards of business conduct, approved by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, of which South Korea is a member state.
Turkey is the second biggest investor in the Uzbek textile industry. In our country, there are about 11 textile companies with Turkish capital. The largest of them is “Osborn Textile”, owned by Tarmac Group. This company purchases 10,000 tons of Uzbek cotton per year. Below is a full list of companies in Uzbekistan that feed cotton products into supply chains of Western companies.
Our call is primarily addressed to the companies that have confirmed their desire to exclude Uzbek cotton from their supply chain, by signing the Cotton Pledge. This is possible through blacklisting the textile companies indicated on our list. We encourage other enterprises - trading companies, apparel companies and business associations, especially in Europe and North America – to follow their example.
We call upon the European Commission and the U.S. Administration to withdraw Uzbekistan, its cotton and textile, from the General System of Preferences, which provides trade incentives, until the Uzbek government demonstrates that it meets GSP conditionality to protect fundamental human rights.
The boycott of Uzbek cotton and companies using it should continue until the ILO has completed its monitoring and Uzbekistan ends the practice of forced labour. The Uzbek government must show the political will and within one year abolish the practice of exploitation. It is in the interests of the Uzbek people, socio-economic development and the international reputation of our country.
2. Obid, Jodgor Austria, Poet; member, International PEN;
3. Ignqtyev, Sergey USA, Coordinator of the project "Art and Human Rights" of the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia;
4. Bushueva, Natalia Sweden, Editor, Radio program "SOS", Association for Human Rights in Central Asia;
5. Dadadjanov, Ismail Sweden, Chairman, Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
6. Iskhakova, Dilarom Uzbekistan, Literati;
7. Khudoydergenov, Iskander Uzbekistan, Human rights activist;
8. Isabekov, Bakhtioyr Uzbekistan PhD in of Philology;
9. Nurullayeva, Gulchekhra Uzbekistan Literati;
10. Juma, Yusuf USA Literati;
11. Aripov, Atanazar UZbekistan Secretary General, "Erk" Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;
12. Ikramov, Surat Uzbekistan Chair, Initiative Group of Uzbekistan's Independent Human Rights Defenders surat.i @rambler.ru ;
13. Imomov, Sanjarali Uzbekistan, Literati;
14. Bekjan, Safar Switzerland, Literati;
15. Boymatov, Abdujalil Ireland, President, Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
16. Umarov, Sanjar USA, Chairman, Sun Shine Coalition sanjar.umarov@gmail.com;
17. Yakub, Shahida UK, Chair, Uzbek Initiative-London;
18. Choriyev, Bahodir USA, Chairman, "Birdamlik" People's Movement birdamlik@gmail.com;
19. Niyazova, Umida Germany, Uzbek-German Forum for human Rights;
20. Yuldashev, Tashpulat USA, Political scientist;
21. Boymatov, Salomatoy Ireland, Member, Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
22. Yeshova, Bashorat Switzerland, Coordinator, Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
23. Urlaeva, Elena Uzbekistan, Chair, "Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan" Public movement;
24. Karaeva, Gulshan Uzbekistan, Chair of the Kashkadarya branch, Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
25. Toksanov, Alisher Switzerland, Independent Journalist;
26. Ismoilov, Sukhrobjon Uzbekistan, Expert Working Group of Uzbekistan;
27. Babadjanov, Kudrat Sweden, Independent Journalist;
28. Abidov, Alisher Norway, Human rights activist;
29. Kutbiddinov, Khusniddin USA, Independent Journalist;
30. Muxtarov, Farhodhon, Uzbekistan Human rights activist;
31. Karaev, Tulkin Sweden, Member, Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
32. Khaydarov, Ulughbek Canada, Independent journalist and human rights activist, winner of the Hellman-Hammett Prize;
33. Episova, Daria USA, Independent Journalist;
34. Sapurov, Oleg Uzbekistan, Human rights activist;
35. Mamatkulova, Muborakkhon Uzbekistan, Member, "Birdamlik" party;
36. Abdurakhimov, Abdulatif Sweden, Political refugee;
37. Isakov, Dilmurod Sweden Member, "Ezgulik" Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
38. Bakaev, Abdumalik Sweden Political refugee;
39. Isakov, Avaz Sweden Member, "Ezgulik" Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
40. Usupov, Bayramali Demark, Political refugee;
41. Ganiev, Rafik Sweden, Member, "Ezgulik" Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan;
42. Narbutaev, Nabidjon Sweden, Member, "Birlik" Party;
43. Akhmedov, Asadullo Norway, Political refugee;
44. Akhmedova, Dildora Norway, Political refugee;
45. Anderson, Daniel Norway, Political refugee;
46. Anderson, David Norway, Political refugee;
47. Khodzhaev, Shavkat Uzbekistan, Member, "Birlik" Party;
48. Kiyamova, Rufiya Uzbekistan, Member, "Birlik" Party;
49. Rakhimov, Ota Uzbekistan, Member, Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
50. Kazimov, Davlat Uzbekistan, Member, Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
51. Kazimova, Saodat Uzbekistan, Member, Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
52. Kazimova, Zakhro Uzbekistan, Member, Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
53. Davronov, Bek Uzbekistan, Political refugee;
54. Iskhanov, Zubaid Uzbekistan, Political refugee;
55. Karimov, Ibodat Uzbekistan, Political refugee;
56. Karimov, Anvar USA, Political refugee;
57. Karimov, Avaz USA, Political refugee;
58. Karimov, Aub USA, Political refugee;
59. Bobokhonov, Inom USA, Political refugee;
60. Bobokhonov, Ilkhom USA, Political refugee;
61. Kabimov, Rustam Uzbekistan, A member of the Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
62. Kasimova, Farida Uzbekistan, A member of the Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
63. Suunov, Karim Uzbekistan, A member of the Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
64. Ishmatov, Rafik Uzbekistan, A member of the Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
65. Alibekov, Bek Uzbekistan A member of the Democratic Forum of Uzbekistan;
66. Abutov, Mukhammadsalikh Sweden, Chairmamn, NGO "Tayanch" ;
67. Khudaynazarov, Dustnazar Sweden, Member, "Erk" Party;
68. Egamberdiev, Asror, Uzbekistan;
69. Fayazov, Avaz Sweden, Member, International Organization Human Rights Defenders
70. Gafurov, Khait Sweden, Political refugee;
71. Khadjimatov, Khatam Norway, Political refugee;
72. Zaynabitdinov, Ulugbek Sweden, Political refugee;
73. Ruzimatov, Kamil Ukraine;
74. Ikramov, Jalil Ukraine;
75. Makhkamov, Rustam Uzbekistan;
76. Ishmatov, Komil Uzbekistan;
77. Ruzikulov, Ikrom Uzbekistan;
78. Abidova, Zulfia Norway, Political refugee;
79. Abidova, Kamilia Norway, Political refugee;
80. Isaev, Burkhon Norway, Political refugee;
81. Kadyrov, Bakhodyr Norway, Political refugee;
82. Ikramov, Abos Norway, Political refugee;
83. Khodjaev, Jalokhir Norway, Political refugee;
84. Abdullaev, Akmal Norway, Political refugee;
85. Tursunov, Zakhid Norway, Political refugee;
86. Safaev, Umid Norway, Political refugee;
87. Djuraev, Bakhrom Norway, Political refugee;
88. Izatullaev, Nemat Norway, Political refugee;
89. Fazilova, Mukhabbat Norway, Political refugee;
90. Akbarov, Sanjar Norway, Political refugee;
91. Khamraev, Oybek Norway, Political refugee;
92. Khasanov, Dilshod Norway, Political refugee;
93. Khodjaev, Pulat Norway, Political refugee;
94. Obidov, Batyr Norway, Political refugee;
95. Khakimova, Dildora Sweden, Political refugee;
96. Salikh, Mukhammad Norway, Chairman, People's Movement of Uzbekistan m.solih49@gmail.com;
97. Temirov, Khasan Sweden;
98. Normumin, Namoz Sweden, Member of the Central Council, People's Movement of Uzbekistan;
99. Shomansurov, Alidjon Norway;
100. Kurbanov, Tahir Norway;
101. Satvoldiev, Izzat Norway;
102. Abdullaev, Nosyr Norway;
103. Agzamov, Shavkat Norway;
104. Nazirov, Maksim France
105. Mukhammad, Shavkat Kazakhstan;
106. Eliboev, Bokhodir Uzbekistan Member, Initiative Group of Uzbekistan's Human Right Defenders;
107. Sharipova, Saida Russia;
108. Yusupova, Khurshed Russia;
109. Mamadjonov, Mustafo Russia;
110. Makhmudov, Sukhbatjon Russia;
111. Fayzimatov, Ilkhom Russia;
112. Usmanov, Mukhitdin Russia;
113. Usmanov, Niriddin Uzbekistan;
114. Sufiev, Sherzod Russia;
115. Mukhammadi, Shavkat Russia;
116. Mirzoboev, Burkhonjon Uzbekistan;
117. Kurbanov, Bakhodir Uzbekistan;
118. Solieva, Shakhnoza Uzbekistan;
119. Sattarova, Umida Uzbekistan;
120. Akhmedov, Gulom Uzbekistan;
121. Akhmedova, Ozoda Uzbekistan;
122. Khamroev, Muslimbek Uzbekistan;
123. Dekhkanov, Muzafar Uzbekistan;
124. Dekhkanova, Guzal Uzbekistan;
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